High Voltage - Light, Grip & Camera Rental

Arri LMB 6×6 Mattebox

Arri LMB 6×6 Mattebox

40.00 / day (ex VAT)

Two 6.6 inch x 6.6 inch filters can be fitted. Each filter frame is secured with an extra tray catcher which holds them perfectly in place. The matte 0 offers the possibility to protect your lens against dust and dirt during a break and can be clipped into the sunshade easily. All additional components of the LMB 6×6 can be used with the basic module. K20019218

Additional information

Weight 0.68 kg
2x Arri LMB Flag Holders (Pair)
1x Arri LMB 6x6 Top Bottom Flag
1x Arri LMB 6x6 Side Flags Right & Left
1x Pelican Air 1637 Flight Case For LMB 6x6 Mattebox
1x Arri 6x6 Filter Step-Down Adapter
1x Cinema Hardware 6x6 Diopter Tray 138mm
1x Arri LMB 6x6 Tilt Flex Adapter 80-156mm
1x Arri LMB 6x6 Swing Away Tilt Module Studio
1x Arri LMB 6x6 Extra Non-Rotatable Filter Stage
x Arri LMB 6x6 Extra Rotatable Filter Stage
1x Arri LMB 6x6 Diopter Stage 6in
1x Pick correct clamp adapter according to the lenses!
x Arri LMB Accessory Adapter
x Arri LMB 4x5 15mm Studio Rod Adapter

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