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LunaBulb Accessory Kit
Use your LunaBulb as the starting point light source, and shape the mood even further: with the Accessory Kit, you get LunaReflectors for a more directional punch, LunaLenses for a slightly diffused texture, LunaDiffusors for a direct-view dome look, LunaSnoots to increase the contrast, or LunaShades to selectively block or texturize the beam. With the LunaBulb Accessory Kit, you turn your LED practicals into precise, fully contrallable luminaires.
Kit includes:
4x LunaReflector
4x LunaDiffusor
4x LunaLens
4x LunaShoot
2x LunaShade w/ Blocker
2x LunaShade w/ Diffusor
1x Case for LunaBulb accessories
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Category: Lamps / LED Accessories & Components
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