Laowa 24mm f/14 Cine Probe Lens PL Mount | High Voltage
High Voltage - Light, Grip & Camera Rental

Laowa 24mm f/14 Cine Probe Lens PL Mount

Laowa 24mm f/14 Cine Probe Lens PL Mount

60.00 / day (ex VAT)

Laowa 24mm f/14 Probe Lens from Venus Optics is a truly unique lens designed for close-up shooting. Distinguished by its long and slender lens barrel, this macro lens provides a 2:1 maximum magnification with a 1.5′ minimum focusing distance and a close 0.8″ minimum working distance. Even with such a close working distance the lens measures 1.3′ long, placing you at a comfortable distance to photograph nearby subjects. Also, as a wide-angle lens, greater depth of field is afforded when compared to traditional telephoto macro lenses, allowing for greater detail in the background with less subject isolation.

*Can be used with IB/E 2X PL Extender

Additional information

Weight 0.57 kg

Full Frame



1x Lens Case for Laowa 24mm Probe Cine
1x Dynacore D-tap to 2x USB Adapter Cable